• Comments: 4

Most presentations are a cascade of text-heavy Death-by-PowerPoint slides. Online learners suffer the torture of brochures converted to click-through-eLearning. Most people now recognize that using visuals is the way to go. But how do you make visual presentations and eLearning that work? We think there are six steps you need to follow.

  • Comments: 6

What's the difference between a presentation and a speech? Many people use the words interchangeably, but there are two main areas of difference. Speeches shouldn't be held up as examples of what those giving presentations should emulate.

Oct 2024
  • Comments: 3

A good PowerPoint presentation is the culmination of many hours of hard work and careful planning. You’ve spent a lot of time researching, fact-checking, structuring and practising that all-important presentation. Now, what if I were to tell you that, despite all your hard work, there’s a good chance that at least 10% of your audience will have a hard time accessing any of your content?

Oct 2024

    You’ve applied to what feels like (and may literally be) 101 different companies and you’ve finally landed that all important interview. Great! The only problem is, they’ve asked you to give a presentation about why they should hire you… What makes a killer presentation? What will separate you from…

    Oct 2024

      What can you do with an Interactive PDF? (and perhaps equally importantly, what can't you do). Working in an eLearning agency means we are always investigating different way to engage learners, share knowledge, and assess delegates. We're all so used to simply reading documents as PDFs that it's easy to forget that this versatile format has many more features and capabilities. Read on to learn more about what can be done with PDF from an eLearning agency that creates them...

      Oct 2024
      • Comments: 13

      We've all come across really boring training slides. But wouldn't it be great if training presentations actually supported trainers and helped participants to actually learn something? So, calling all facilitators, trainers, and training content creators, please take note of our 12 training presentation ideas!

      Oct 2024
      • Comments: 2

      While visuals rule here at BrightCarbon, sometimes you need to include text on your slides. This article will walk you through 10 tips and tricks for improving the way you use typography in your sales presentations and other design projects.

      Oct 2024

        When done well, eLearning can be a truly effective and engaging learning tool. An eLearning module that works for some learners, but leaves others unable to access the content, isn’t doing its job. This is why accessibility in eLearning is so important. Let's discuss...

        Oct 2024

          Storyboarding is useful when creating visual content. We review Storyboard That, a website that enables users to create their own cartoon storyboards.

          Oct 2024

            We live in a world where there is already an overload of data and information, with a constant stream of statistics and surveys being produced, all designed to persuade us to change our behaviour, our buying habits, or our views. The need for infographics has never been greater.

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