Apr 2024

Traditional face-to-face training is becoming a less feasible option for many organisations. Remote or flexible working is something many employees expect as standard, and in-person training may not be the most effective way to train a hybrid workforce. So how can you move your in-person training online?

Apr 2024

You can do some really cool things in Microsoft Office with just a few lines of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - from creating your own custom formula in Excel to correcting branded content in PowerPoint to merging address data for a mail campaign in Word. And sometimes you need to share that VBA solution with colleagues and clients, via the Internet. A change that Microsoft rolled out at the end of March 2022 tweaks the process required by Windows users to gain access to this active content.

Apr 2024

Every slide in your sales presentation should earn its place by contributing to the story you’re telling and helping to persuade your prospect to change their behaviour. However, there are certain slides that are pure filler. It’s time to look at your sales presentation with a critical eye and get rid of slides that aren’t pulling their weight!

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