Apr 2024

    When done well, eLearning can be a truly effective and engaging learning tool. An eLearning module that works for some learners, but leaves others unable to access the content, isn’t doing its job. This is why accessibility in eLearning is so important. Let's discuss...

    Apr 2024

      Do you struggle with writing and developing eLearning content? Do you spend hours considering what to include in your staff or sales training? One solution to your problem could be going back to university for one to three years; to gain a wealth of knowledge on teaching principles, strategies and best practises. Or you could just read this blog...

      Apr 2024
      • Comments: 12

      Triggers allow you to initiate a sequence of animations by clicking on a specific object rather than a simple mouse click. This can be helpful for de-cluttering a slide or making a presentation more interactive however getting triggers to work practically can be a bit tricky. Let's take a look.

      Apr 2024

        Online learning is fast becoming the go-to method for delivering courses, and testing is becoming a key part of making sure that your participants take away the right information. The trouble is that getting someone to answer a question might be good in the moment, but how do you write questions that will test participants so that they’ll retain the information longer than a Snapchat...

        Apr 2024

          Training presentations done well can impart information that stays with you for a considerable amount of time. The same can be said about poor training presentations, but for all the wrong reasons. The good news is that all it takes is a few key techniques and people will end up taking much more away from your courses than the free pens and paper.

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