Created for PowerPoint users on Windows and Mac, the BrightSlide add-in will help you create, polish, and edit presentations at speed. It draws on industry-standard shortcuts to boost your workflow and provides amazing, extra functionality PowerPoint users have long dreamed of. Created for our presentation designers, but shared with you, for free. Work in PowerPoint like a pro!
Free download for MacSupports macOS as per Microsoft 365. Looking for the Windows version?

PowerPoint is an awesome application – you can use it to create anything from a keynote presentation, to an interactive click-and-explore, to a marketing or training video or infographic! It’s rich in features yet too often can be restrictive, slowing down your work process and limiting your creativity and productivity.
At BrightCarbon we refuse to be defeated! We developed BrightSlide as the ultimate productivity add-in to tackle the pitfalls of PowerPoint.
And, because we love the presentation community almost as much as we love PowerPoint, we are sharing BrightSlide with you for free!
BrightCarbon provided us with a fantastic service ... and left us with a presentation that secured us a £4 million contract. BrightCarbon is our first choice for presentations in the future.
Matthew Mitchell NHS