
BrightCarbon is a Trusted Publisher

BrightCarbon, among many other amazing things, is a publisher of automation solutions for Microsoft Office.

To protect individuals from unwanted software Microsoft carefully control security within Windows and Office, providing warning messages when something doesn’t look quite right:

Trust Center bar showing Security Risk

To make it easy for our solutions to run in your organisation we provide a simple trust application which does one thing and one thing only. It adds our EV (Extended Validation) code-signing certificate to the Trusted Publisher store on your computer.

You’ll then be able to run whatever we provide you, without seeing these verbose Microsoft security messages in Office. Both downloads do the same thing and require elevated administrator privileges to run.


Download for User | IT Admin

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It provides us with powerful presentation material to use again and again. This helps us get our message across and enhances our professional image.

Joe Critchley Trade Extensions