Repurposing Content: Do more with PowerPoint

PowerPoint has a bad reputation for being stuck in the 90s with walls of text and terrible clipart. And yet it can be so much more than that, without much extra work. In this practical, live demo-led session, we’ll explore how you can repurpose your existing content to create a wealth of tools and resources, from videos, to screen captures, PDFs, and infographics. And let’s throw in a bit of eLearning content creation and Photoshop bypasses while we’re at it. Yes, this is still PowerPoint. And you’ll see how you can drag all your content, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century. Your audiences will love you for it!

Timezone information: UK – 4pm, Europe – 5pm, US East Coast – 11am


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Thank you for today’s PowerPoint productivity masterclass. I’ve learned so much from BrightCarbon when it comes to PowerPoint. If there isn’t a BrightCarbon fan club already, I’ll be happy to start one!

Kimm Babo Wegmans Food Markets